A random babbling on creative spirits-

Random babbling on the creative spirit~painting, sewing, baking, boys, an irresistable God and the next 200 feet~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

PV walking....

God is having me walk. A lot. I've always walked; determinately for the past seven years. I have begun to pay close attention to the walking... and what it might mean in a bigger, more profound way than just the physical benefits of it on my body....but that's for a later posting :)
Yesterday I walked again. Physically through PV~
Through the 'compound' that is the wonderment of the lodging I've gotten to stay at~
                                                       entrance way to the enclave!
stairway to one of three studios
my cozy bed
and awesome shower!
one of many cool sculptures
the entrance way from the inside :)
view of the pool and off to the right is the outdoor kitchen~
largest, outdoor studio
another view~
most pathways are mosaic'ed by the owner :)
once of several tucked away seating areas
piggies; photoed for my patrick :)
another seating area
tropical; yes, it's tropical here :)
more mosaic path ways

and then things I passed on my way around town, and ultimately to the mega mart :) Interesting foods at WalMart will have to wait until Wednesday's tour!

perhaps I'll even take photos of the bull fighting arena on day three....

 My lodging is an inexplicably delightful oasis here in PV in which I get to indulge; just through making contact with an old contact. 
Never met, never actually talked; just emailed in past lives so long ago. But a quick remembrance of her and a short email and voila! here I am-my lodging while on this short trip. Pretty darn diggidy :)
If you are unfamiliar with Hacienda Mosaico I highly recommend you check it out.
If you teach, plan to host a workshop here. If you learn, plan to come here to indulge in a truly unique art experience. I wish I'd taken photos of my breakfast...it was amazing...I ate bacon. Whew; glad that's off my chest :)
For me, this is my landing pad, and my purpose is outside it's walls. :) So today I go out again; to walk. And to see what I find on my way to where I am going~
The promises are only actuated and realized when you do the walking~
in love. trish.


  1. ..."and to see what I find on my way to where I am going..." profound words. You made me think. I think I'll go for a walk.... Thanks, Trish.

  2. So "just" walkin' in PV. Your mission is to walk and see things down Mexico way. To be enlightened and informed. The Mosaico is delightful. Best wishes for opening up and experiencing wonderment and newness, Trish.
